Loreen's latest Instagram updates,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 3. This is usually not my morning face. At the airport waiting for the UN plane to take us to Worsaj valley up north @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication #latergram #mydaysinafghanistan".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 3 06.30 Sharing an early breakfast with my beautiful colleges @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication #latergram #lovethesimplelife #mydaysinafghanistan".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 2 Preparing for the trip up north to Worsaj- valley. @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication #latergram #lovethesimplelife".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 2 Its Simple living that keeps your feet on the ground. @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication #latergram".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 2 Some places are different @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication #latergram".
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 Admin director, Bjorn Ake is telling me about how snipers use to operat from Teve Hill Kabul. @SAK_sweden @ #wegotthepower".

"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 Kite flying in Kabul. @SAK_sweden @".

"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 Teve Hill @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication#wegotthepower".

Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 On The Top Of Teve mountain looking down what's left of Kabul. Still amazing @SAK_sweden @".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 On The road @SAK_sweden @".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 Security expert Bilal explaining why we should never take the whole car-window down when stopped by authorities. @SAK_sweden @ #wegotthepower".
Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"AFGHANISTAN DAY1 Security run- thru @SAK_sweden".
"DAY - ZERO @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication".

"AFGHANISTAN DAY- ZERO It is time. @SAK_Sweden @ #afghandedication".

"AFGHANISTAN DAY 1 @SAK_sweden @ #afghandedication".

Pictures from "Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2013” in Stockholm
Pictures from Loreen's appearance at "Raoul Wallenbergdagen" in Stockholm
My pictures from Loreen's performance at "Furuviksparken" in Gävle

My pictures from Loreen's performance at "Rix Fm Festival" in Gothenburg
Please respect the copyright. If you would like to borrow the pictures, please send an email to [email protected] or write a comment here on the blog.

My pictures from the soundcheck at "Rix Fm Festival" in Gothenburg
Please respect the copyright. If you would like to borrow the pictures, please send an email to [email protected] or write a comment here on the blog.

Loreen's latest Instagram update,
"The wind is the best part of this season ❤".
My pictures from "Rix Fm Festival" in Malmö
Please respect the copyright. If you would like to borrow the pictures, please send an email to [email protected] or write a comment here on the blog.

"Interesting chat with the foreign minister today. Preparing for a trip to...?".
"I love the People Of Malmö deeply


"Love this pic. Crazy crew

"You have taught me about love

"The art of living @andersbaggeofficial quote: va knäppgök @lailabagge quote: Sitt på din egen stol Älska Alexander Bard - han är sin egen".