Behind the scenes pictures from the "MHIRM" music video shoot
My pictures the "MHIRM" music video shoot (except the last picture, which is from Loreen's Instagram. It's Me, Julia, Ajda & Loreen from the left). If you want to use the pictures, ask me first!

I have published these picture for a long time ago, but I thought I could publish it here again, now when the video is released! I also have a short video. I will try to find it and then upload it here! ♥
Loreen - My Heart Is Refusing Me (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Loreen - "We Got The Power" (Official Music Video)
(Temporarily blocked on Youtube)
Behind the scenes pictures from the "Heal" music video shoot
Kleerup feat. Loreen - Requiem Solution (Official Music Video)

Behind the scenes of the video for Heal.
Loreen - Heal (official video)
I can't even describe in words how amazing this video was. Everyone, lets just die for a moment. WOW! ♥
sooooorry that i didn't update you with any information today about "Grammis" and "Efterlyst"! Haven't been home since early this morning, and I came home now.
My pictures from the MHIRM Video-shoot last night
My pictures from last night. If you want to use the pictures, ask me first!

Gif pictures from the Euphoria Music Video - Part 3/3

Gif pictures from the Euphoria Music Video - Part 2/3

The Official Euphoria Music Video World Premiere!
Ååh, vad jag älskar videon! Skulle kunna skriva en hel uppsats om hur bra den är, men jag gör det lite kortfattat istället, haha! Love it so freakin' much! Tycker den var mystisk och lite spännande, nästan som att följa en kort skräckfilm. Den var även riktigt snygg filmad, jag själv som går media har också fått gjort en musikvideo och det är mycket svårare än vad man tror! Men jag trodde faktiskt att det skulle vara lite mer dans i den, men annars blev den precis som jag hade tänkt mig, riktigt bra! LOVE IT ♥
Vad tycker ni? ♥