Loreen's latest Instagram update,



"This is my - not enough delay - face. Double tap for delay delay delay delay delay..".

"It's year 2013 people. We need to feel for each other . We need to think. We need to change. #freedomofspeach #kiev #ukrain".

❥ Favorites - Performances
Happy 30th Birthday Loreen!

Birthday gift to Loreen - Donate money to "Svenska Afghanistankommittén"

As you all may already know, Loreen's birthday is in a few weeks (October 16). Ajda came up with the smart idea to start a fundraising for the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan. Donate money in her name instead of buying her a gift.
Here's what Ajda wrote:
"I have started a fundraising for the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan. I thought it would be a great birthday gift to Loreen (she's turning the big 30 after all) if we could manage to raise some money for this organization to Support Their incredible work. Loreen herself ice Mainly Involved in SAK's school program but the organization have Several other programs as well.
The goal is to raise 3000 SEK for her birthday. I know the date is just around the corner but we can do it! We've got the power right?! 3000SEK will for example be enough to providesprofessional carpets, blackboard, water tanks and teacher training kits for one class in SAK's schools."
And for an update, we have now collected 5580SEK! How amazing isn't that?! So guys, keep on donating money. We can do this! ♥
Malmö and Gothenburg for the weekend - Rix FM Festival

Huuuuugs Emma ♥
Någon av er som ska dit?
Yes, i'm still alive!

Såååååå, nu ska jag blogga igen. Hann inte riktigt med att blogga när jag jobbade, då jag började tidigt och slutade sent. Men igår var sista dagen på mitt sommarjobb :) Kommer uppdatera det som ni/jag har missat under dom här dagarna, plus en spelning som Loreen ska ha ikväll. ♥
Loreen's latest Instagram updates,

"Denmark skive featival here we are babies

"We're all going hip hop

Loreen on Perez Hilton's blog
We first introduced you to Loreen back in April of last year in this post - before she went on to win the Eurovision contest with Euphoria, an actually GREAT song that broke the streak of crappy tunes that kept winning!
Loreen is back and just as good! Yup, those Swedes do their power pop very well - literally!
Check out We Got The Power (above)! It's very reminiscent - in the best way possible - of fellow Swedes Icona Pop!
Love! Love! Love!
Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from Loreen!

Get it now:
1. We Got The Power
2. My Heart Is Refusing Me
3. Everytime
4. Euphoria
5. Crying Out Your Name
6. Do We Even Matter
7. Sidewalk
8. Sober
9. If She's the One
10. Breaking Robot
11. In My Head
12. Heal (feat. Blanks)
13. Euphoria (Acoustic Version)
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26.05.2012 - Loreen the winner of ESC 2012

Today is it actually one year anniversary of Loreen winning Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Euphoria" in Baku, Azerbaijan. This is a day and a victory that we will never forget! ♥
Loreen, "We Got The Power" - About the music video

På nya singeln "We got the power" samarbetar sångerskan med låtskrivaren Ester Dean som tidigare har samarbetat med artister som Katy Perry, Rihanna och Lil Wayne. Bakom produktionen står även Patrik Berger som också har jobbat med Icona Pop, Robyn och Lana Del Rey.
Videon till låten har sångerskan själv valt att regissera och om det beslutet säger Loreen så här:
- Jag tycker mig ha en tydlig bild av vad jag vill förmedla i mitt artisteri och känner ett stort ansvar för det jag släpper i från mig. Rörliga bilder för mig skapar ytterligare en dimension till musiken. Dessutom behövs det fler kvinnliga regissörer i branschen. Fler kvinnor som vågar ta för sig och ta plats, precis som videon till "We Got The Power" gör.
Se videon här.
Loreen interview for "BBC" in Malmö (Pictures)
"Och BBC intervjuar Loreen #weareone"

Back from Malmö!
From Loreen's Facebook,
"Tonight, at the Grand Final of Eurovision Song Contest Loreen will do a medley when the voting has start around 11PM CET. She will perform her brand new single ”We got the power” along with "My heart is refusing me" and "Euphoria".
- With ”We Got The Power” I want the audience to remember the essence of ”We Are One” and Eurovision. And the power that music has, Loreen says.
Watch the show tonight from 9PM CET:"
In Malmö
Är i Malmö under ESC just nu, kommer därför bli svårt att uppdatera, tyvärr... Komma tillbaka på måndag och lägger upp allt då. Huuuugs!
Bild tagen av mig igår på juryfinalen.
Loreen - "We Got The Power" LYRICS
Let your soul catch the feeling
Let me know when you feel it
Beautiful and revealing
When love gets control
Let your heart take a beating
Let it pound with the rhythm
Hear the sound and be willing
To just let go
I got a feeling
Tonight if we give in
Let it just take us
The music will guide us
Baby where we find it
Whenever we lost it
The power of love again
We got the power
We got the power
We got the power
We got the power
To make you love
We got the power
We got the power
You know what you’re seeking
In your search you can reach it
Every breath that you’re breathing
Is a beautiful song
Let your heart take a beating
Push your love to the ceiling
The power of love is what you’re feeling
When nothing comes close
I got a feeling
Tonight if we give in
Let it just take us
The music will guide us
Baby where we find it
Find it where we lost it
The power of love again
We got the power
Wegot the power
We got the power
We got the power
To make you love
We got the power
We got the power
(to make you love, baby) x4