Russian fans

This is just too cute!! Some Russian fans made this picture to Loreen, I love it! I've seen people done the same thing to Jedward and One direction and I think it's a very creative way to show their love to Loreen! This is what they wrote to the picture "Loreen, hello from your Russian fans: we love you and waiting for you in our country: from Russia with love! Our hearts are Belong to you! ♥"
Maybe we can do something similar but we make a video and post it on youtube? You send a picture to me where you hold a sign that says Loreen on. But now Loreen fans from around the world can join! what do you think? Do you think it sounds like a good idée? Vote below, what you think? ♥
Maybe we can do something similar but we make a video and post it on youtube? You send a picture to me where you hold a sign that says Loreen on. But now Loreen fans from around the world can join! what do you think? Do you think it sounds like a good idée? Vote below, what you think? ♥

Postat av: Kashaya
Vad sött.=)
Sv. Nej inge speciella planer för idag faktiskt. Själv då?
Postat av: belsas / elsa
SV: Sorry att jag är så himla seg på att svara. Tack så jättemycket för den fina kommentaren! <3
Loreen är grym. När är ESC? :)
Postat av: Patricia♔
Ha en fin valborg!
Postat av: Maliin^^,
sv; ja jag bor uppe i norrland så det var sjukt härligt och roligt att komma ner till stockholm!:D Här uppe är det fortfarandre snö och nere i sthlm är det ju sommar typ!:D