Lidköping event is cancelled

Eventet i Lidköping arena nu på söndag, där Loreen skulle ha uppträtt är tyvärr inställt på grund av att för få biljetter har sålts. Läs mer om det här
Jag själv är VÄLDIGT besviken eftersom jag skulle dit med några kompisar. När man har gått och längtat efter något så länge, lagt ner mycket energi och pengar och sedan blir det inställt. Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska säga... :/

Three more gigs

 Enligt Loreen's United Stage sida, så är hon bokad på tre nya datum.
10/8 BELGIEN, Antwerpen Pride
24/8 GÄVLE, Furuviksparken
12/9 STOCKHOLM, Gröna Lund

Klicka här för att hitta mer info om Belgien och här för att läsa mer om dom andra två spelningarna. Jag kommer även att lägga till dom nya datumen i boxen "Gigs" i menyn. ♥ 

Loreen will be presenting the winner of "Act Now-award" tonight

Loreen will be presenting the winner of "Act Now-award" in "Efterlyst" tonight on TV3 (Swedish tv) at 9pm. Find more information here! ♥


Team L's latest Facebook update. Click here or on the picture to read more ♥

three new gigs

Team L just added three new gigs on her facebook. You can find them in my box "Gigs" in the menu on my blog to. ♥

25/5 - Days of Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, Romania
23/6 - Pühajärve Jaanituli 2013, Puhajarve, Estonia
6/7 - NRJ Music Tour 2013, Beirut, Lebanon

Two playlists made by Loreen

Spotify has been updated. You can now follow artists and also see playlists made by themselves. Below are two playlists made by Loreen. ♥

Loreen to "Festival Mawazine" in Marocco

Loreen is set to perform at Festival Mawazine in Rabat, Marocco, 31th of May. Find more info here! ♥

Loreen to "Skavlan Talkshow"

Picture found here
Loreen is set to perform on the Talkshow "Skavlan". It will be broadcasted on SVT1 this Friday at 9pm. A live stream will not be available because the program will be pre-recorded. Loreen and Kleerup will be performing “Requieum Solution”. ♥

"Euphoria 2013" by Adolf Fredriks Musikklasser and Loreen on spotify


Kleerup feat. Loreen - Requiem Solution (Official Music Video)


"Ask me" - New box in the menu

In this box can you ask me questions about for example, Loreen's gigs, if you want to know something about me or what ever you want. Just click on the "ask me!" button, write your question and then press "Skicka din fråga (Send you're question)". ♥

Kleerup feat. Loreen - Requiem Solution


Loreen - Heal (official video)

I can't even describe in words how amazing this video was. Everyone, lets just die for a moment. WOW! ♥

sooooorry that i didn't update you with any information today about "Grammis" and "Efterlyst"! Haven't been home since early this morning, and I came home now.

Requiem Solution - in the studio with Loreen

This is a acoustic version of Loreen's collaboration with Kleerup. I think this song will be in Kleerup's next album. 

♥ I'm. dead. right. now. ♥


Loreen won “Song of the year” - QX Galan

Pictures from Expressen, Aftonbladet and
Loreen won “Song of the year” with "Euphoria" at Gaygalan tonight. She also won "Song of the Year" last year with her song "My Heart Is Refusing Me". 
Congratulations!! ♥

Loreen collapsed out of tiredness [English translation]

for those who don't know, Loreen was suppose to give a speech on human rights in parliament yesterday. Just a few hours before it would start, for some reason, so she cancelled it. And today they wrote this in the News paper "Aftonbladet":


(Translation by Ajda)

Loreen collapsed out of tiredness [English translation]
Yesterday Loreen Talhaoui, 29, would have held a speech on human rights in the Swedish Parliament, in relation to a conference.

But the speech was canceled at short notice.
- Her agent told us just a few hours before she was supposed to hold the speech. Loreen could not announce it herself Because she was sleeping, says Wästberg, coordinator of the Conference Raoul Wallenberg 2012th

"Completely exhausted '
Loreen canceled the event after a physical collapse. Early on Wednesday morning the Eurovision winner flew to Sweden from Germany where she had made some promotion. According To Aftonbladet she's worn herself out.
- When she came to Sweden she just collapsed out of tiredness. She was completely exhausted, says Wästberg.
Loreen showed her commitment to human rights issues when she visited two Organizations During the Eurovision Song Contest held in Baku, the capital of the Dictator Ruled country Azerbaijan.

 "She's sorry"
The artist is sorry to have had to cancel her speech.
- She is very sorry, but When You talkabout Such important things she wants to be on top. She had been looking forward to this but she's very tired. She really thinks it's sad That she had to cancel it, says Loreens press contact Lili Assefa.

She states overpriced That Loreen isn'ta burned out.
- But she's very tired, just like many others are at the end of the year, Following a hugely intensive period of work with a lot of traveling. Since the launch of the album, she has been constantly traveling. The chances she has in Europe right now is fantastic, there are few who Received this after Eurovision, she says.

Been busy
A person close to Loreen Says That the workload has been debilitating.
- For various reasons, she doing now? Had any longer time off, That might havebeen needed. It has gone from almost zero to a hundred and ten in just one year, the source said.

New box in the menu

I have now added a "Instagram" box in the menu. There, the last pictures I have uploaded to my instagram (@Loreenpictures) will appear ♥

Loreen on "NRJ Stars for free" live in Switzerland tonight (LIVE STREAM!)

The live stream starts at 8:15 pm!

My story from last night - Musicvideo for MHIRM

Me and Loreen yesterday. Yeah, it was very windy so I had my eyes closed on the photo, so... just Ignore me and look at Loreen instead, haha! ♥

Don't really know where to start. But I think i'm not going to tell you everything, you will have to wait for the musicvideo. Okay, here we goooo!

I was sitting at home and did nothing. I opened Facebook and I see the status that Loreen had written, that you could come on to the set of the music video. I texted Ajda directly and we decided that we would go there. Half an hour later, I sat on the bus on my way. The other second, me and Ajda was there, it went so fast because of all the happiness!

There was a pool with no water in it. In the pool was a lots of people dancing, it looked really cool. We jumped into the pool and started dancing like crazy, haha. It was like a kind of "Rave" party. We danced and danced to the music, but no sight of Loreen. After a while, we see her go into the pool and begins to dance with everyone. It was so freaking cold, so me and Ajda started to do some strange/random beat clapping thing on our legs and everyone in t started to do the same. Loreen was standing very close to us, so she turnd around and saw that we were the once that begin with the clapping, so she dance forwords to us and says, "Here are my girls! Are you here? How fun!", We get a big hug and then she danced with us for a little while. Was like dream! :D

There was a break. We went up to Loreen and took photos with her and then it started again.

When everything was over, the most people went home, but we stayed;) It was just the whole team and some dancers plus we left! So we walked (of course) to Loreen and started talking! I'm not going to tell you everything we talked about, but the first thing she said was “oh so you’re leaving? Ditching me, really?”, and we answerd "nooo, we want to stay longer!". Then we talked a little bit about our Loreenator group on Facebook, the gift we gave to her on the signing, "Julgalan" and some more stuff. Then Loreen asked us if we were Loreenators, Ajda said "Nooo... We just have a blog about you and write about you several hours a day. No, no, we are not Loreenators, haha! (Irony if someone didn't understood that, haha!)".

The day was indescribable, you can not describe my happiness! Loreen remember me. She knew who I was and that really means very much to me. It was really cool to see how it works behind the camera. I'm studying  media, so this was kind of my thing, heh! :) To those who haven't met Loreen, never give up! You will meet her one day, you just have to believe it yourself. Hugs to you guys!

Loreen, me (with the blue jacket), Ajda and Julia (a Loreenator we met there. YEY!) on the picture from Loreen's Instagram. ♥

Behind the scenes @ My Heart Is Refusing Me, Music video


Picture from Robert Nordberg's Instagram
I'm so freaking excited! ♥

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